We Love Data Analysis!

LynxLabs AI is the Image, Lidar and Photogrammetry processing company.

Save on your Data analysis costs while getting results faster!

Everything you can see with your eyes, we can extract automatically!.

Fully Automated process

Our products do not require manual annotation.


The processing is fully parallelized and as such compute is the only bottleneck.

Proven Solution

We have worked and are working with well known companies in the broadband expansion sector in Germany. and have processed more than 20k km up to date.

Variable input data types

We work with image and lidar data or a combination of both.

Dfiferent Sensor types

We can work with mobile mapping sensors, drone mounted sensors or satellite data.

Experts in AI

We are experts in automation, deep learning and general AI. We also help as expert consultants to solve your automation and prediction problems.


All are fully automated.

Analysis vector output

Surface analysis for civil engineering and broadband expansion

  • Vector map of 16 surface types
  • Accurate representation of the world
  • Enables better planning estimate of costs for civil engineering projects
trench measurements images

Automated trench measurements

  • Captured by iphone lidar
  • Trench vs non-trench segmentation + outline of trench
  • Length, width and depth of a trench
  • extraction of pipes
  • Calculation of dirt pile volumes
All features

Extraction of your Features!

We can extract everything your eye can see automatically.

  • Junction boxes, Fire hydrants, Traffic lights
  • Street lights, Street signs, Post boxes
  • Reflectors, Bus stops, etc.
classified point cloud and classified image


We support you in your AI project, both high level planning and hands on programming.

  • Point cloud and image processing
  • Photogrammetry
  • Deep learning on images and point clouds
  • LLMs and joint vision models

Contact Us!

We are excited for your message! Whether you are interested in our existing products, you have custom general AI-automation needs or certain features not listed above, or just general consulting needs or questions.

Contact us at: Hi [at] LynxLabs.ai